Trust Disputes
Trust Dispute Attorney in Denver
While the death of a loved one can be devastating and stressful enough, when disputes regarding the decedent’s will or a trust arise, an already difficult situation can be compounded by arguments with relatives and potentially having to deal with complex litigation proceedings. In such cases, it’s crucial that you work with the experienced Denver trust disputes lawyer at Donald Glenn Peterson Attorney at Law to ensure that:
- You have the best possible legal representation in any impending court proceedings.
- Your rights and best interests are fully protected at every stage of the legal process.
- You have the best chances of achieving an optimal outcome to the case as efficiently as possible.
The Denver trust dispute lawyer at Donald Glenn Peterson Attorney at Law has extensive experience representing our clients’ rights and interests in trust disputes.
Some of the types of trust dispute issues that our skilled lawyer has a proven track record of successfully handling include those that involve allegations of:
- Fraud
- Breaching fiduciary duties
- Misappropriation of the trust’s assets (which could be in the form of improperly distributing the assets, making bad investments with the trust’s assets or otherwise mismanaging the trust’s funds)
- Trustee misconduct (which could be in the form of overly compensating trustees for their services or blatant stealing from the trust)
Although some trust disputes will arise over such allegations of wrongdoing, in other cases, unclear language in trust provisions or recent changes to the law can create situations in which trust disputes arise and all parties associated with the trust need to go to court to have the trust amended so that it more clearly reflects the founder’s original wishes.
Consulting with an Experienced Denver Trust Disputes Lawyer
If you are facing a trust dispute or need help disputing a trust, the Denver probate litigation lawyer at Donald Glenn Peterson Attorney at Law is here to help you aggressively protect your rights at every step of the complicated legal process. Regardless of the nature of the trust dispute in your case, our full-service law firm can effectively defend your rights and interests to help you get through the legal process as favorably and efficiently as possible.
For more information regarding our services, as well as professional legal advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward with trust dispute proceedings, contact the experienced and skilled Denver trust dispute lawyer at Donald Glenn Peterson Attorney at Law by emailing us or calling (303) 758-0999.