Denver lawyer Donald Glenn Peterson Attorney at Law has extensive experience helping our clients navigate through the complexities of estate planning, estate administration and elder law. We value our clients and take their legal concerns very seriously. While we are committed to providing our clients with unique and creative solutions to their legal matters, we are also dedicated to providing them with personalized, high-quality legal representation at every step of the legal process.
Regardless of whether you are dealing with a small or large estate, estate-related disputes or end-of-life care needs, our full-service law firm can help willmakers, beneficiaries, fiduciaries and others sort out the legal matters at hand in a way that will help them resolve their affairs as advantageously and efficiently as possible. The following are some of the specific areas with which our esteemed Denver lawyer can provide unparalleled assistance. More About Us…

Video Center
Don Peterson-What is a will?
Denver Estate Planning attorney Don Peterson explains what a will is. Contact Don Peterson for all your estate planning needs at (303) 758-0999.